A World Unites

After the disgusting, and horrific attacks in Paris on Friday night, which left 132 dead, and many injured, the world united as one.

Over the weekend, many of the world’s most famous landmarks – From St Georges Hall in Liverpool, to Wembley Stadium in London, to New York’s Empire State Building, they were all lit up in the colours of the french flag – blue, white and red, to show their support for the people of France.

St Georges Hall, Liverpool lit up in french colours to show solidarity.

St Georges Hall, Liverpool lit up in french colours to show solidarity.

Many cities across the world stood silent and held vigils to remember all those who died, and to pray for the many who were injured, and that the attackers would be caught… and fast. And a book of condolence was opened in cities across the world.

On Friday night, the Eiffel Tower was placed into darkness in mourning of the victims, but today (Monday 16 November), the tower was once again lit, this time in the colours of the french flag, in tribute to all those who lost their life.

The Eiffel Tower is lit in the colours of the French flag.

The Eiffel Tower is lit in the colours of the French flag.

France is a country on edge (understandably so), but we have to remember, this wasn’t just an attack on the people of Paris, it was an attack on our way of life. ISIS must be stopped, and our way of life protected.

Terrorism will never win.