A horrifying night…

As many of us we’re out drinking, having fun with friends, watching TV, or simply getting ready for bed, a horrifying moment in history was unfolding in Paris.

Late on Friday night (13th November), the people of Paris were being attacked by an unknown group of people, intent on killing as many of them as possible.

As the night unfolded, news agencies were reporting that a group of men had stormed a restaurant, concert hall, and shopping mall – shooting people, one by one.

Earlier that evening, the French national football team were playing Germany in an international friendly at the Stade de France, when an explosion was heard outside the stadium – this (as we’ve come to realise now), was the start of the unlawful, and horrifying attacks on this city.

After that shuddering explosion, and reports of hostages being taken in a restaurant and concert hall, French President Francois Hollande, placed France on lockdown – closing its borders with neighboring countries, and flights in/out were cancelled.

Waking up on Saturday, the true realisation of what happened in Paris on Friday night came to fruition. 132 people sadly lost their lives in the attacks, 352 have been injured (99 of them critically) through a series of shootings and explosions.

Flowers placed outside Le Carillon, Paris via Sky News.

Flowers placed outside Le Carillon, Paris via Sky News.

Terrorist group IS have claimed responsibility for the attacks, releasing a statement saying France and other countries will ”remain targets”, if they continue air strikes against the terror group.

Francois Hollande has called the attack an ”act of war’, and has announced three days of national mourning for the country.

Across the weekend we’ve seen countless images of some of the worlds most famous landmarks being lit up in french colours – from the Empire State Building in New York, to the Sydney Opera House in Australia, and St Georges Hall in Liverpool.

St Georges Hall, Liverpool lit up in french colours to show solidarity.

St Georges Hall, Liverpool lit up in french colours to show solidarity.

These attacks are absolutely sickening, and have been carried out by a group of people hellbent on causing heartache, destruction and war – wherever they can. In this terrible situation, it can be quick for people to judge a whole religion based on whats happened, but we have to remember it’s a small percentage of extremists who carried out this shocking event, not an entire religion. Instead of tearing ourselves apart at this terrible time, all religions should be coming together in solidarity, to send a message to IS – you may hurt us, but you’ll never defeat us.



LIVE: Budget 2015 REACTION

THIS, is LIVE coverage of reaction to Chancellor George Osborne’s Summer Budget – updated at 14:48. LIVE coverage ended at 14:48.

BUDGET REACTION – Paul Brand, ITV News correspondent on Twitter: 
8 minutes ago
Labour have dubbed northern powerhouse the ‘northern poorhouse’ ‘northern power cut’ and now ‘northern doghouse’ after North East ‘shunned’

BUDGET REACTION – Fran Cowling on Twitter: 
3 minutes ago
When the Tories talk about ‘British Values’ does that entail destroying the welfare state, education, and the NHS ?

BUDGET REACTION – David Daniels on Twitter: 
 1 minute ago
Osborne’s rise in the minimum wage will not apply to those under 25. As if they require less food or heating to get by.

BUDGET REACTION – Victoria Wickham on Twitter: 
 2 minutes ago
Hate to point it out georgie boy, but people under 25 need a living wage too 5

BUDGET REACTION – Siobhan Gabrielle on Twitter: 
33s34 seconds ago
I am so upset about . It was to be expected, but it’s horrific. I can’t say more than that, it’s awful

BUDGET REACTION – Matthew Ferguson on Twitter: 
 1 minute ago
Pleased with the commitment to 2% defence spending. Definitely one of the best announcements from George Osborne!

BUDGET REACTION – Kate Lancaster on Twitter: 
1 minute ago
so many people won’t be able to go to university now because they can’t afford it, education is a right not a privilege

BUDGET REACTION – Caroline Lucas, former Green Party leader on Twitter:
6m6 minutes ago
So disappointed that leadership backs – cynical savage policy that will throw extra 40K children in poverty

BUDGET REACTION – Stephen Noon on Twitter:
26m26 minutes ago
During Labour & Tory said tax credits might be at risk with a . Today is a breathtaking breach of faith

BUDGET REACTION – Owen Jones on Twitter: 
23s ago:
”Any increase in the minimum wage is welcome. But by 2020, with inflation and tax credit cuts, in work poverty will still be the reality.”

BUDGET – REACTION: acting-leader, Harriet Harman wants to transpenine rail route re-instated. 5