POLL: What did you think of Budget 2015?

Budget 2015 is now over, and as promised, it delivered some devastating blows to the poor, and students. The middle class and the richest in our society were once again, the big winners.

But, what did you think of #Budget2015? Cast your vote below in my poll…

LIVE: Budget 2015

WELCOME, to my LIVE coverage on Chancellor George Osborne’s first-all Conservative budget since 1996. All announcements will be posted as ‘tweets’ below, with discussion afterwards.


AND THAT’S IT. Osborne has commended his budget to the house…

BUDGET: Iain Duncan Smiths reaction to the introduction of a higher National Living Wage…

BUDGET: National Living Wage for 25 & over – £7.20 from April 2016. £9 an hour by 2020 – compulsory.

BUDGET: Government commits to defence spending of 2% of GDP.

BUDGET: Higher tax rate raised to £43,000 – 130,000 people lifted out of high rate tax.

BUDGET: Tax free personal allowance raised to £11,000 – an extra £900 in pocket, Chancellor says.

BUDGET: Families who have a third child after 2017 will NOT receive tax credit or UC support.

BUDGET: Benefits cap of £23,000 in and £20,000 to rest of the country introduced.

BUDGET: Income threshold for tax credits reduced to £3,850

BUDGET: 18-21 yr olds housing benefit  = scrapped. Employment and support allowance and family benefits – cut!

BUDGET: Working age benefit FROZEN for 4 years.

BUDGET – WELFARE: He’s cutting incapacity benefit for most new claimants to JSA.

BUDGET: Youth obligation introduced – either earn or learn.

BUDGET: WELFARE – Best route out of poverty is work.

BUDGET: CORPORATION TAX – Cut to 19% in 2017 and 18% in 2020.

BUDGET: ANNUAL INVESTMENT ALLOWANCE – Tax break for businesses now FIXED at £200,000. #Budget2015

BUDGET: INHERITANCE TAX – Threshold raised to £1 million per couple.

Liverpool Council chiefs watching the Chancellors budget and how it will effect the city, and its services. #Budget2015

BUDGET: Sunday trading laws CONFIRMED to be relaxed. Elected mayors & council chiefs will decide opening hours.

BUDGET: , = in discussions for elected mayors.

Agreement reached with for devolution of further powers on fire services, children services etc

BUDGET: Loans increased to £8,200 possible loan, repayable if you earn £23,000.

BUDGET: Artificial cap on students going to University – abolished. Maintenance grants – replaced from Sept 2016 by loans. #SummerBudget 

BUDGET: 3 million more apprentices announced – Apprenticeship levy announced.

BUDGET: Fuel duty will remain FROZEN.  

BUDGET: New ‘Roads Fund’ created. VED Bands introduced from 2017.

BUDGET: NEW insurance premium tax to be introduced at 9.5%.

BUDGET: A permanent memorial will be funded for those who were killed in #TunisiaAttack. #SummerBudget #Budget2015

BUDGET: Bank levy gradually reduced over next 6 years. 8% surcharge introduced on profits instead.  

BUDGET: Permanent Non Dom tax status abolished from April 2017.  

BUDGET: Rise of 1% per year for the next 4 years for public sector workers.

BUDGET: will be given an extra £8 billion

BUDGET: Total £37 billion of tightening needed in this parliament. £12bn from welfare. £5bn from tax evasion, rest from department cuts. #SummerBudget #Budget2015

BUDGET: Budget surplus delayed by one year. Austerity blow is ‘softened’.  

BUDGET: ”Britain has… left the age of austerity behind”.

BUDGET: Tax receipts stronger than last year = more money to ‘play’ with.

BUDGET: Deficit will be cut at same pace as the last parliament”

UK economic forecast: 2015 – 2.4% 2016 – 2.3% 2017 – 2.4% #SummerBudget #Budget2015

Osborne: ”A strong requires a strong economy”.

Osborne: ”This is a budget for working people”.  #Budget2015