Your voice does matter!

AS you’ve probably heard thousands of times already this year, there’s a General Election happening on Thursday May 7th. Now, you might be sick of hearing about it, but to be honest it needs to keep being talked about.

Many people right across the country believe they shouldn’t vote for any political party because ”it won’t make a difference” or ”they’re all the same”, but we need to put these thoughts to rest.

Yes, over the past decade MP’s haven’t done themselves any favors by using tax-payer funded money to fund their own lavish lifestyles, and only doing things that would significantly help themselves, but we need to put this to one side… For now.

The election on May 7th, is not like any other we’ve seen before. We are literally fighting to keep our communities (or what is left of them) together. It’s the most important election in a generation. It really is.

Over the past 5 years, David Cameron and his Conservative party have destroyed our country under the guise of ”We’re all in this together”, but we’re not all in this together. As everyone knows, with the Conservatives in power, the poor have been hit the hardest, and the rich have become richer. The rich support the rich. That is what our country has become.

The heart of our communities have been ripped out, libraries and leisure centres for the young have been shut down, over one million people are now having to rely on food banks because their wages aren’t rising, and bills are rising higher than ever before. This just isn’t right and We cannot go on like this. Families in 21st century Britain should be not be relying on handouts.

To vote in this General Election, you have to register to vote. The deadline for registering is April 20th and after that you will no longer be eligible to vote. Some of you may say there is ”no point” or ”my vote won’t make a difference”, but it can… and it will.

To reiterate, this is the most important General Election in a generation. Your voice does matter. It will make a difference. Please register to vote!

Register to vote before April 20th, by visiting the following website:

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